1. We, the Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Republic of Korea (ROK), gathered on 1 - 2 June 2009, in Jeju Island, ROK to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Relations, under the theme of “Partnership for Real, Friendship for Good.”
Review of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Relations
2. We noted with satisfaction that ASEAN and the ROK have developed mutually beneficial cooperative relations on the basis of mutual trust and respect for the past twenty years. In particular, we noted that the ASEAN-ROK partnership has made steady progress in various fields, in accordance with the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Cooperation Partnership in 2004, which marked the 15th Anniversary of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Relations, and the Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration in 2005. In this vein, ASEAN appreciated the ROK’s efforts to strengthen its relations with ASEAN Member States by implementing its “New Asia Initiative.”
3. We noted that by joining the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 1994 and acceding to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in 2004, the ROK has strengthened its political and security relations with ASEAN, which further contributed to regional peace and stability. The ASEAN-ROK Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat International Terrorism in 2005 has also strengthened cooperation in combating international terrorism.
4. We noted that the total trade volume between ASEAN and the ROK had substantially doubled in the last five years from USD 46.4 billion in 2004 to USD 90.2 billion in 2008. We further noted with satisfaction that there has been a steady increase in mutual investment between ASEAN and the ROK amounting to USD 6.8 billion in 2008, which is more than five times the amount of USD 1.3 billion in 2004. We recalled that the number of visitors traveling between ASEAN Member States and the ROK has expanded by more than two-fold in the past five years, averaging four million people per year.
5. We noted with satisfaction the positive impact of the implementation of the Agreement on Trade in Goods under the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation among the Governments of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Republic of Korea. In this regard, we welcomed the entry into force of the Agreement on Trade in Services on 1 May 2009 and the signing of the Investment Agreement by our economic ministers on 2 June 2009, which marks the completion of the ASEAN-ROK Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
6. We recalled with satisfaction that since the establishment of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Relations, a total amount of USD 39 million has been contributed to the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund, which has been effectively utilized in a wide range of projects in the fields such as trade, investment, technology transfer, people-to-people exchanges and human resources development.
7. We welcomed the official launch of the ASEAN-Korea Centre on 13 March 2009. Furthermore, we agreed to continue cooperation to help the Centre serve as an effective channel for the enhancement of trade, investment, tourism and cultural exchanges between ASEAN and the ROK.
8. We welcomed the establishment of the ASEAN-ROK Eminent Persons Group (EPG) at the beginning of 2009, which aims to provide medium- and long- term directions to further consolidate the ASEAN-ROK relations. In this context, we took note of the Progress Report of the EPG submitted at the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit. We agreed that the recommendations of the Final Report of the EPG, to be submitted at the 13th ASEAN-ROK Summit later this year, will be instrumental in further strengthening the ASEAN-ROK relations.
Reinforcing Political and Security Cooperation
9. The ROK congratulated ASEAN for the entry into force of the ASEAN Charter on 15 December 2008, which marked a new milestone in the integration of ASEAN. The ROK commended ASEAN’s plan to establish the ASEAN Community by 2015, in accordance with the commitments contained in the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II (Bali Concord II), Vientiane Action Program, Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015 and Cha-am Hua Hin Declaration on the Roadmap for the ASEAN Community (2009 – 2015).
10. We welcomed the strengthening of the ASEAN Secretariat and its increasing role in the ASEAN community building process in accordance with the ASEAN Charter. In this regard, we also recognised the need to strengthen networking between the ASEAN Secretariat and the ROK to further enhance the capacity building of the ASEAN Secretariat.
11. We recognised that enhanced peace and security on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue and cooperation is essential for the peace, security and stability of the region. To this end, we are committed to continue our efforts to reduce tension and promote dialogue on the Peninsula, including those to achieve an early resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner through the Six-Party Talks process.
12. We are committed to maintain high-level visits, strengthen cooperation and share information on non-traditional security issues to promote cooperation in criminal justice and law enforcement, including combating terrorism, sea piracy, illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, money laundering, arms smuggling, international economic crime and cyber crime as well as to work together in ensuring the enhancement of maritime security in accordance with international law.
Strengthening Economic and Development Cooperation
13. We expressed our expectations that the trade volume between ASEAN and the ROK will increase to USD 150 billion by 2015 through the ASEAN-ROK FTA and other complementary trade arrangements. To this end, we agreed to utilise the ASEAN-Korea Centre to facilitate promotional activities for trade and investment, including product exhibitions, exchange of trade and investment missions, and exchange of information on trade and investment.
14. Based on the positive effects of the ASEAN-ROK FTA, we agreed to closely cooperate and monitor the FTA implementation process by strengthening the ASEAN-ROK Economic Cooperation projects.
15. We were pleased with the successful outcome of the ASEAN-Korea CEO Summit in Jeju Island from 31 May to 1 June 2009 in forging business partnerships. We encouraged the business communities of ASEAN and the ROK to continue strategic networking for mutual benefits and to fully maximise the potential available under the framework of the ASEAN-ROK FTA. We recognised the importance of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a main contributor to the national economy and in this regard, we would do our utmost to enable the SMEs to gain access to the international market and enjoy the benefits of the FTA.
16. We stressed the important role played by agriculture to provide food security, alleviate poverty, and ensure sustainable development. In this regard, we looked forward to exploring the possibility of strengthening joint collaborations and transfer of know-how in agricultural research and development, and encouraged more investment and involvement from the private sector in agricultural infrastructure and post-harvest technology, including food storage, processing and distribution.
17. We recognised the need to establish a cooperative system between ASEAN and the ROK that covers all modes of transportation, including logistics. To this end, we looked forward to the expeditious conclusion of the ASEAN-ROK Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Transport Cooperation by the end of 2009.
18. To further boost trade, investment and tourism, we agreed to endeavour to begin discussions on an Air Services Agreement between ASEAN and the ROK covering both passengers and air freight, by early 2010.
19. The ROK reaffirmed its commitment to continue expanding the Official Development Assistance (ODA) for sustainable economic and social development and poverty alleviation in the ASEAN Member States. The ROK agreed to share its development experience and to expand training and capacity-building programmes for the development of human resources, and overseas volunteer programmes. To this end, the ROK announced its plans to invite 7,000 trainees from ASEAN Member States over the next seven years.
20. ASEAN recognised that the ROK is among the significant contributors to the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) in narrowing development gaps among ASEAN Member States, and encouraged the ROK’s participation in sub-regional initiatives in the ASEAN region. ASEAN also welcomed the ROK’s continued support and decision to contribute its third tranche of USD 5 million for the year 2013-2017.
21. We shared the view that creating jobs would serve as the best welfare mechanism in overcoming challenges and making the best use of the opportunities offered by globalisation. From this perspective, we agreed to strengthen our cooperation in creating "More and Better Jobs" through training programmes and the exchange of experts in the fields of labour standards, labour relations, gender equality in employment, as well as development of vocational skills.
22. Noting the positive outcome of cooperation on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), we agreed to further strengthen our consultations and advance joint programmes and initiatives in building the ICT knowledge partnership between ASEAN and the ROK. The ROK expressed commitment to continue its support to ASEAN, amongst others, in ICT human resources development, ICT development model, information security, digital convergence, and collaboration to address new challenges brought about by technological changes.
23. To ensure equitable benefits from globalisation, we underscored the need to narrow the digital divide by providing ICT facilities and the electronic infrastructure access to the less developed countries of ASEAN. In this regard, we appreciated the continued assistance by the ROK to support the necessary hardware, software and electronic infrastructure development.
24. ASEAN recognised the advancement of science and technology achieved by the ROK, and we agreed to cooperate closely in the field of science and technology, especially in advanced material technology, environment technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology. We further encouraged joint researches and the exchange of young scientists and experts.
25. ASEAN appreciated the role of the ROK’s Employment Permit System in improving cooperation between ASEAN and the ROK in the sectors of labour and employment. The ROK agreed to further strengthen its cooperation with labour-exporting countries and to increase its support for the workers from the ASEAN Member States who are in the ROK.
Promoting Socio-Cultural Exchanges
26. We affirmed our determination to strengthen our cultural exchanges through cultural cooperation networking, as demonstrated by the launch of the ASEAN-Korea Traditional Music Orchestra at this Commemorative Summit, which will showcase the exceptional standard of Asian traditional music to the wider world. We congratulated the orchestra for its inaugural performance in Jeju Island on 31 May 2009.
27. ASEAN welcomed the ROK’s decision to increase the annual contribution to the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund from USD 3 million to USD 5 million after 2010 under the framework of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Relations. Priority would be given to projects on the ASEAN-ROK people-to-people and cultural exchanges, including the youth and female personnel exchange programmes, cultural awareness promotions and other similar projects.
28. We attached importance to the safety and protection of our nationals including tourists, business people and officials who are traveling to ASEAN and the ROK, as well as permanent residents and workers residing in the ASEAN Member States and the ROK. In this context, we agreed to strengthen cooperation on consular matters.
29. We recognised that human capital development is essential in narrowing the development gap. In this regard, we agreed to promote greater exchanges of students and teachers to facilitate the sharing of experiences for further cross-cultural understanding between ASEAN and the ROK. We encouraged the ROK to increase the number of scholarships to ASEAN and ROK students to pursue tertiary education, and to promote ASEAN studies in the ROK and Korean studies in ASEAN.
Cooperation on Regional and Global Issues
30. We reaffirmed our determination to join efforts in dealing with the global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, current global economic and financial crisis, food security, energy security and communicable and emerging infectious diseases.
31. In response to the global economic and financial crisis, we reaffirmed our commitment to do our utmost to stimulate economic growth in the region and stand firm against protectionism. We agreed to undertake proactive and decisive policy actions to restore market confidence and ensure continued financial stability to promote sustainable regional economic growth.
32. We stressed the importance of the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), which would contribute to regional financial stability and safeguard the region from the global financial crisis. We called for immediate and effective actions to expedite the implementation of the CMIM, including the establishment of an independent regional surveillance unit as soon as possible to support the CMIM decision-making process.
33. We supported the strengthening of the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) in line with the new ABMI Roadmap to lay a foundation for the expansion of regional bond markets through mobilisation of savings for productive investments, particularly infrastructure development, to spur regional growth.
34. We attached great importance to regional energy cooperation in light of the volatile energy prices, climate change, and the need for environmental protection. To this end, we agreed to expand our cooperation in the energy sector by improving energy efficiency, developing the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and diversifying energy sources by increasing civilian nuclear energy and developing renewable energy technologies such as hydropower, solar energy and bio-energy.
35. We recognised that the recent food and energy crises are not confined to any specific country, and that global cooperation is essential in dealing with the crises. We agreed to endeavour to establish the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) to ensure food security in the region.
36. We noted the ROK’s initiative on “Low-Carbon Green Growth” for sustainable development. We agreed to promote close cooperation by introducing environment-friendly technology and undertaking cooperative projects and studies to deal with climate change. We agreed to promote cooperation in exchange programmes related to reducing green house gas emissions on the basis of training, education, and public awareness on climate change mitigation.
37. We agreed to endeavour to strengthen our cooperation in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), especially on the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) initiative, enhancement of sustainable forest management, wasteland restoration, and promotion of industrial forestation. In this regard, we appreciated the ROK’s proposal to establish an “Asian Forest Cooperation Organisation.”
38. We agreed to support the complementary and mutually beneficial role of regional architecture such as the ASEAN Plus Three cooperation, East Asia Summit (EAS), and ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), which will continue to support ASEAN integration in order to realise the ASEAN Community by 2015 and at the same time contribute to the building of an East Asian community as a long-term goal. The ROK expressed its continued support for ASEAN’s role as the driving force in the regional architecture process.
39. In concert with the theme “Partnership for Real, Friendship for Good,” we agreed to strengthen and broaden the network beyond government institutions to the parliamentarians, business circles and other stakeholders. Special emphasis would be given to the younger generation who will carry on the torch for the building of a peaceful, harmonious, caring and sharing community in our region.
40. We tasked our relevant ministers and officials to implement the measures that are contained in this Joint Statement, where necessary, after the completion of the required domestic legal procedures, and to report regularly on the progress of the implementation at the ASEAN-ROK Summits.
Signed in Jeju Island, on the Second Day of June of the Year Two Thousand and Nine, in two original copies in the English language.
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