President Lee Myung-bak, who is now in São Paulo, Brazil, met with the Korean business leaders traveling with him today for an hour and half from noon. At the luncheon meeting, President Lee urged the business leaders to break into new markets in Central and South America with a more challenging attitude in this time of difficulty.
The President said, “The strength of Korea lies in the fact that the country has been advancing into new markets with a can-do attitude. I believe those businesses that take the plunge and venture into new markets in difficult times will pull off great achievements in a year or two when the situation turns around.” He went on to say, “Notably, Korea now has a trade surplus with South America. Taking this advantage, many Korean companies should be encouraged to edge into new markets based on accurate and reliable information. I hope that you business leaders will be able to gain as much valuable information as possible while you are here. It will be a good opportunity for you because you rarely travel this far.” He added, “Now that Korean businesses are capable of advancing into new markets by analyzing information, the Government will change its policy and provide its support whenever they need it. The Government plans to continue to pursue free trade agreements with South American countries, including Peru.”
President Lee went on to say, “There has been news about a strike by the railway union. Any unlawful walkout by public enterprises during this time of difficulty will be strictly dealt with according to the law. The same is true for private companies. The Government has a firm belief that the economy will not be able to run smoothly if it is swayed by political calculations. In order for Korea to become an advanced nation, both economic growth and labor-management relations should reach the level of advanced nations. What matters the most in guaranteeing normal operation of our society is to comply with law and order. To this end, I ask for the collaboration of labor, management and the Government.”