President Lee at a New Zealand airportPresident Lee on Tuesday (Mar. 3) was welcomed by dignitaries at an airport in New Zealand, on the first leg of his week‐long visits to southern Pacific countries.
Lee made a visit to the Plant & Food Research Center in Auckland and shared thoughts on agricultural reform with New Zealand officials there.
Giving high marks to New Zealand''s agricultural innovation, Lee said, "Korean agriculture has developed much. However, its product competitiveness is not yet satisfactory, considering the amount of investment into the sector."
President Lee pinpointed Korean farms'' high dependence on government subsidies as a problem, and said some innovation is necessary now.
In response to Lee''s comments, New Zealand Agriculture Minister David Carter explained that none of New Zealand''s farmers would like to go back to the days when they depended heavily on government subsidies.
Every innovation requires pain and turning points, and leadership and strong belief in success are crucial for such change, the minister added.
Korea''s agriculture and foreign ministers, as well as other top policymakers, accompanied President Lee to the research center, and they were briefed on New Zealand''s agricultural products that have been developed using bio‐engineering.
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