Korean President Lee Myung-bak and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd met again in London Wednesday (Apr. 1), a month after they had summit talks in Canberra.
The two leaders, who are visiting the United Kingdom for the second G20 meeting (Apr. 2), held a summit at a local hotel, and talked about the international economic crisis, North Korean missile issue and bilateral concerns.
They evaluated that the Korea-Australia summit last month had given their bilateral relations new impetus. They also pledged again to continuously work to visualize their agreements made during the summit last month, including the launch of FTA negotiations.
The two leaders touched upon the efforts made by Korea and Australia in eliciting the “principle for impaired asset liquidation” at the G20 meeting of finance ministers on Mar. 13-14 in London.
The two leaders agreed to unite their efforts for global economic revival and measures to weaken global trade protectionism, taking the opportunity afforded by the G20 summit.
They concurred that North Korea''s launch of a long-range missile would be a threat to peace and stability in Northeast Asia, and promised a joint effort against the provocation.
The two leaders have met four times so far, during Prime Minister Rudd''s visit to Seoul in August 2008, at the first G20 summit in November 2008, and President Lee''s visit to Canberra in March this year.