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Global Green Growth Summit - opening remarks by President Lee Myung-bak
June 20, 2011

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Ladies and Gentlemen

I am indeed delighted to be here on the occasion of the First Global Green Growth Summit with such an array of leading figures in the international community from various fields.

It is a particular honour to have the chance to co-host this event with the OECD in this meaningful year marking the 50th anniversary of the OECD and the 15th anniversary of Korea''s accession to the OECD.

As you are well aware, green growth has emerged as a key value and goal around the world.

Two years ago at the OECD Ministerial Council the  Declaration on Green Growth was adopted.  And last month, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the OECD, the Green Growth Strategy Synthesis Report was issued.

To meet the challenges of climate change and the energy crisis era, this report urged OECD members to move beyond simply theory and actually pursue green growth as a national strategy.

Taking this opportunity I would like to express my appreciation once again to all the OECD officials and Secretary-General Gurria for sharing their insights with the global community and pointing the way forward.

The UN also is deeply committed to exerting every effort for the spread of green growth, valuing it as a means to respond to climate change and indeed create jobs.

In this regard, I would like to express my deep thanks to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon as well as the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa and all the UN officials here today.

More emphasis has been placed on in the G20 agenda. A Communique was adopted at the G20 Summit held in Seoul last November.

Building upon last year''s G20 Summit, green growth is expected to be discussed in more specific manner in the next summit in Cannes, with a main focus on clean energy and energy efficiency.

Cooperation on green growth is being rapidly stepped up not only at the multilateral level but also at the bilateral level.

In May of last year Korea and Denmark shared the recognition that "an alliance based on values" holds much greater importance than an "alliance of power".  The green growth alliance the two countries have formed shall I believe contribute greatly also to the advancement of the international community.

What is more, there is a growing number of countries willing to pursue green growth and participate in the cooperation to this end.  These countries encompass both developed and developing countries all around the world, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.  "Green growth" is a term now heard daily in all parts of the world.

It was in the year 2008, when we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Korea, that I announced green growth as a national vision.  At that time I could never have imagined that green growth would have been so successful and spread globally within such a short period of time.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Humankind has awakened to the realization that we share a common destiny that we are now ardently seeking a new world.

I believe that it is why the green growth has been rapidly disseminated over the world. 

As you know, the Earth was in existence for 4.5 billion years before humankind. If we refer to this time as 1.0 era, the time that humans appeared on the Earth may be referred to as 2.0 era.(*Scientific American ''Earth 3.0'')

The time in which humans created city civilizations and achieved industrial modernization is in fact extremely short in the context of the history of the Earth.

With global development has come an increase in population.  And this in turn has lead to much greater levels of environmental pollution and degradation.  The Earth has been damaged and the effects on the planet are being felt ever more deeply.

One major side-effect of this phenomenon is of course the impact of climate change.
Droughts and floods, cold and heat waves, epidemics and natural disasters are occurring all around the world - and they respect no borders. 

Should this pollution and destructive form of development continue then it will simply not be possible for this human-centered 2.0 era on Earth to continue.

It is clear then that humankind must search for other ways and exert every possible effort to find a way for humankind and the Earth to both thrive and live in harmony.
We need to usher in the 3.0 era in which human civilization and the environment can both live in harmony and thrive.

In this regard I believe that the theme of "Building a Planet-Responsible Civilization" is indeed most timely.
The fact is that in this interconnected world many of the problems which we encounter in our own countries are in fact global in nature.  And this in turn requires a response at the international level.

It is now crucial at this stage that humans embrace a greater sense of responsibility, both in their attitude and in their actions they need to deepen their efforts.

This is also the backdrop against which the Global Green Growth Institute was launched at this time of the last year.

The expectation then was that the international community, in its common efforts to tackle climate change, may start to usher in new civilisation of green growth by developing technologies and industries with significant changes in life and culture.

In the short span of less than one year that expectation has become a reality.

A number of countries have already joined GGGI as donors and many outstanding dignitaries and thought leaders from around the globe have become its Board Members.

I cannot thank you enough for the great enthusiasm and unwavering support you have rendered for this initiative which offers inspiration for a new world for all humankind.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

And yet, as we face the challenges of climate change it is clear that there is still a lot of work to be done.

In this regard, an important step was taken at the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Cancun, Mexico last year. Namely, we reached agreements on disseminating Green Technology and setting up the Green Fund.

As clearly underlined in the Cancun Agreement, it is technology that is key in the transition to a Low Carbon Green Growth Economy.

To render valuable support for this, there are plans to establish a Green Technology Centre participated in by the GGGI and leading research institutions at the domestic and international levels.

The green technology centre shall establish a kind of system in this field and promote the fusion of energy technology.
The centre will monitor research and development,  form an international network and establish a system for mutual assistance in advanced technology development.

This shall give concrete shape to technical cooperation for developing countries, whilst also nurturing talent to lead the transitional period as well as promoting international exchanges.

Furthermore, a Global Green Technology Award shall be established to be awarded to anyone who develops world-class green technology or contributes to the spread of technology.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Today''s occasion is an expanded and upgraded version of the East Asia Climate Partnership conferences for the last two years.

Korea has committed US$200 million for this partnership programmes and focused on the five areas of clean energy, water management, forestation, waste management and high efficiency power generation.  The developing countries within the region, benefitting from these grants, has been witnessing some good results.

Having joined the OECDDevelopment Assistance Committee last year, Korea has set out to legislate a Framework Act on International Development Cooperation and Long-Term ODA.

Especially with the spirit of partnership I would like to take this opportunity to announce that Korea will continue to expand "Green ODAs" by way of facilitating green growth in developing countries.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The magnitude of the problems that the globe faces no doubt belittles each and every individual member within it.  Yet, if we are to combine our efforts and become united as one we can indeed make a difference no matter how insignificant we are as individuals. Only then can the foundation be laid for a "Planet-Responsible Civilization". Your presence here today is a stark testimony to our relentless common endeavours to that end.

It is my sincere hope that this Global Green Growth Summit shall indeed serve to unite us in our efforts and lead us towards an ever brighter future as one community.

Thank you.



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