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Let me dare say that we Koreans have earned it, the sacrifice of all the heroes, present, absent or in heaven, and I believe that they too must be proud to see how far Korea has come since the war.
April 24, 2011

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Honorable veterans of the Korean War and the Battle of Kapyong, Prime Minister Gillard, Ambassadors, Ministers and Commanders from the Commonwealth nations and all distinguished guests!

We have gathered here today to commemorate the glorious Battle of Kapyong and offer our tribute to the heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of the Republic of Korea. We pray for the souls of all the veterans who lost their lives in the hills, valleys and fields of Korea. We extend our profound respects to the veterans and their families, and would also like to express our gratitude to them for having given service to the Korean people sixty years ago and even awarding scholarships to young Korean students today.

60 years ago today, the 27th Commonwealth Brigade comprised of 2,500 warriors from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom fought valiantly against the tens of thousands of enemy forces that had flooded the battlefield. Vastly outnumbered by the enemy, they nevertheless armed themselves with the will and courage to protect the freedom of the Republic of Korea to defeat the aggression of communism. The victory at Kapyong halted the enemy forces'' attempt to split the front line of the UN forces, allowing the UN forces to build a new defense line which was to be a bridgehead for counterattack.

While no name was given to this defense line, we know that the names and noble spirits of all the warriors on that day are engraved in it. The Republic of Korea has emerged from the ruins of war to build a free and prosperous country on the basis of their sacrifice and dedication. Let me dare say that we Koreans have earned it, the sacrifice of all the heroes, present, absent or in heaven, and I believe that they too must be proud to see how far Korea has come since the war.

The Korean peninsula is still divided sixty years after the Korean War. It is a war yet to be finished. I believe that the only way of granting eternal rest to the fallen heroes is by achieving the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula and thereby ending the war once and for all. We will always remember their sacrifice as we strive to achieve these goals. "Their name liveth for evermore" in the hearts of all Korean people.

Once again, I would like to offer my respects to the souls of the veterans who gave their lives during the Battle of Kapyong. Please accept my best wishes for the health and happiness of everyone present today. Thank you.



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