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The 33rd Cabinet meeting - closing remarks by President Lee Myung-bak
August 02, 2011

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Recent torrential rains over a short period of time have wreaked havoc on the nation. Notwithstanding, many people voluntarily rushed to the scene and passionately helped flood victims, well demonstrating a greatly enhanced civic consciousness. This sort of volunteer work has become a new trend domestically and at the same time a new example to be followed by peoples across the globe. Volunteer operations this time have been extraordinarily speedy and efficient thanks to the collaboration among military personnel, the police, firefighters and government officials. In particular, citizens and government officials wasted no time in exerting efforts for recovery work, which deserves our highest praise.

This kind of unexpected disaster could hit the nation again next year. Accordingly, it is recommended that a temporary task force be set up under the Prime Minister’s Office, through which experts from related ministries and agencies can get together to reestablish guidelines for disaster prevention. Instead of running true to form, the task force has to come up with scientific standards this time.

In the face of a crisis, we all have to be united and join forces. A good lesson can be learned from Norway’s responses to the recent tragedy. All Norwegian people are using the tragic incident as an opportunity to firmly enhance the values they attach to their country free of any political motivation. A mature country, at its best, is a place where the whole nation works together to overcome a national crisis and prevent natural disasters.

It is particularly painful that among the flood victims are student volunteers of Inha University. I wrote letters of condolence to their bereaved families.

On this occasion, I would like to see the disaster warning system thoroughly reviewed. Safety standards at various facilities should be examined. Impeccable safety structures must be put in place to prevent natural disasters as well. In next year’s budget planning, prevention of disasters must be given the first priority.

We have to take this incident as an opportunity to realize a national consensus in a positive way to prepare for the future.

It is fortunate that we did not have added problems from the burial sites for the animals with foot-and-mouth disease. Particularly shining in the aftermath of the flood was the selfless service of the workers from the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and local governments. I sent them text messages thanking them for their volunteerism.

I have delayed my vacation that was to begin last Saturday. But I hope other government workers do not delay vacations unnecessarily, except for those government officials in charge of recovery work. In fact, I want to see many civil servants take holidays this summer as much as possible, taking turns when less busy.



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