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The Yeosu Expo will be a green Expo whose themes center around ocean and environment.
May 14, 2012

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Good morning, fellow Koreans,

I am now in Beijing, China to participate in the Korea-Japan-China Summit. At the trilateral summit, the leaders of the three countries had in-depth discussions about North Korea’s persistent threats and its nuclear program.

In addition, Trilateral Agreement on Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement was signed to further enhance the stability of mutual investments. We also concurred on the need to proceed with preparations to initiate negotiations for a Korea-China-Japan free trade agreement before the end of this year, although it will take a long time for it to be finalized.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China. During that period, the relationship between our two countries has made unprecedentedly rapid progress.

In celebration of the Yeosu Expo, President Hu Jintao designated this year as Visit Korea Year. When I met with President Hu in 2008, I suggested that we designate the year Expo was to be held, as a Year for Visit. Accordingly, the year 2010, when the Shanghai Expo was held, was designated as Visit China Year.

With these two great events as a catalyst, a growing number of people have traveled back and forth between our two countries or will do so, thereby further deepening bilateral relations.

Fellow Koreans,

This past weekend, the 93-day Yeosu Expo, a global oceanic festival, was finally opened.

A total of 104 countries and 10 international organizations from around the world are participating in the Expo in Yeosu. It is expected to attract more than 10 million visitors.

Korea took part in an international exposition for the first time in 1893 when the Chicago World’s Fair was held. At that time, the exhibits on display in the Korean pavilion were pottery, armor, bows and arrows.

One hundred years later, in 1993, Korea hosted the Daejeon Expo as the first developing nation to do so. Through the Expo, the Republic of Korea showed the world how much it had progressed from having once been one of the most impoverished countries. Once again after about  decades, we are now hosting the Yeosu Expo that heralds a new maritime era. I am truly filled with special emotion.

While the Olympics and the World Cup are great sporting events, the Expo can be said to be the largest economic, cultural and science festival of the global village. It brings together the most advanced, cutting-edge science and technologies of the times.

Over the past 160 years or so, the Expo has served as a venue to exhibit epoch-making inventions, including the steam-driven locomotive, telephone, automobile and TV. Through such gatherings, people were able to exchange their creative inspirations with one another, sharing a common vision of the progress of civilization.

For the first time in history, the Yeosu Expo will be a green Expo whose themes center around ocean and environment.

The ocean is the birthplace of all life forms on earth. As of now, about 90 percent of all living things inhabit the ocean. The ocean also functions as the earth''s lungs, generating 75 percent of oxygen and purifying 50 percent of the carbon dioxide. Such an instrumental role notwithstanding, the ocean now faces a serious crisis due to pollution and overfishing.

To enhance global awareness of the crisis and urge nations to exert concerted endeavors to deal with it, EXPO 2012 Yeosu Korea is slated to adopt the Yeosu Declaration, the first of its kind. On the occasion of the Yeosu Expo, I hope collective efforts will be newly initiated to save the ocean, the origin of life, and make a more peaceful earth.

It is especially meaningful that Yeosu, a small provincial city with a population of 300,000, plays host to a large-scale international event such as the Expo.

The production and added-value inducement effects of the Expo are estimated to reach 12 trillion won and 5.7 trillion won, respectively. It is also calculated to create about 80,000 new job opportunities.

However, what is more significant than these economic values is the fact that Yeosu Expo, expecting to receive about 10 million spectators, constitutes a golden opportunity to let people from around the globe appreciate the beauty of the southern coastal area of Korea. 

Boasting picturesque coasts and archipelagos, the area and its vicinity are also blessed with terrific weather conditions. On top of this, the region is home to rich historical and cultural legacies, making it one of the world''s best tourist resorts.

Since 2008, the Government has been implementing the Sun-Belt Project, a comprehensive development plan for the southern coastal region, with the aim of encouraging more people to visit and settle in the region.

For the Expo, the railroad, highway and air infrastructure have been greatly expanded. Thanks to these improved facilities, it is now possible to travel to the region faster and more conveniently, which helps to advance the arrival of the era of the southern coast.

Just as Vancouver, Canada grew into a world-class city after the 1986 Expo, Yeosu and the southern coast are certain to be reborn as a top-class resort and tourist destination.

The Yeosu Expo offers a cornucopia of colorful events, including a laser show being staged against the background of the ocean, K-pop concerts and special events to be performed by individuals representing more than 100 countries.

Kang Dong-suk, Chairman of the Yeosu Expo Organizing Committee commented;

(Kang Dong-suk) “This Expo will be the most exciting and meaningful Expo in history. It will be a modern open space that untangles the theme of the unknown world and the future; the Ocean.”

The Yeosu Expo has been chosen as one of the seven top places to visit in the world in 2012.

Thanks to the abiding enthusiasm and cooperation of all Koreans, there is no doubt in my mind that Yeosu Expo will be a success without fail.

I certainly hope that whole families would go together. I personally bought 200 admission tickets to give to children. I plan to visit Yeosu once more, as well.

In order to prepare the big event, a countless number of people worked very hard. Since June last year, the 400 staff members of the Organizing Committee have worked day and night, living at the site. Special thanks are in order for the dedicated citizens of Yeosu and South Jeolla Province as well as volunteers and local government workers.

(Jang Young-sang, the President of the Yeosu Exemplary Taxi Drivers Association) “To help Yeosu Expo succeed, the members of the Yeosu Exemplary Taxi Drivers Association are actively participating in the four-point civil campaign—clean environment, public order, kindness and selfless service. Moreover, during the Expo, all city buses are running free of charge. Throughout the Expo, we will take great pride in assisting the Expo to reap good results.”

Thank you, Mr. Jang.

Backed by the kind of cooperation expressed by Mr. Jang, the nation has achieved great feats all along in hosting various international events and raising our international standing.

I trust that the success of the Expo will lay a solid foundation for advancing the City of Yeosu, the southern coastal area and the Republic of Korea.

Thank you very much.





1 Cheongwadae-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-820, Republic of Korea