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Protecting lives and public security is the fundamental reason for a nation to exist
September 03, 2012

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Good morning, fellow Koreans,

There have been many difficulties this summer because of the heat wave and the two typhoons that followed. Even though the Government has worked hard with all municipalities to make preparations, there has been considerable damage in many parts of the country.

Many farmers and fishermen sustained unexpectedly huge losses just weeks before they were due to harvest their fruit, vegetable and grain crops and marine products from fish farms. Considering how they are suffering now, my heart is truly heavy.

My profound sympathy goes out to all those who suffered damage. The Government will do as much as it can to facilitate recovery and pay compensation as quickly as possible.

At this very moment when we are struggling to overcome natural disasters and the economic crisis, despicable sex crimes and other heinous crimes have recently occurred one after another, causing great shock to us all.

A few days ago, there was a news report about a crime that could only have been perpetrated by a man with the mind of a beast. A man abducted a seven-year old girl who was sleeping at home and did a horrible thing to her. Upon receiving a briefing on this case, I visited the National Police Agency and encouraged the law enforcement officers to go all out to catch the culprit by all means.

The rapist was apprehended that day, but the fact that the culprit turned out to be a man living in the same neighborhood made us feel heartbreaking sadness and anger.

Protecting lives and public security is the fundamental reason for a nation to exist. In this respect, as President, I feel deeply devastated and regretful.

Violent crimes have reached a very serious level. Recently, brutal crimes have taken place in our neighborhoods, streets, workplaces and schools. Worse yet, such crimes are now taking place even in our homes. Many people, including innocent children and women, fall victim to crime.

We cannot protect lives and public security without rooting out such crimes. The Government promptly convened a meeting for joint measures with relevant ministries and agencies to come up with fundamental solutions. I, too, am more determined than ever to deal with the situation.

What has to be done urgently in the short run is to increase the number of public security personnel on the scene. The Government will work to muster all possible government authorities and police personnel to ensure public order and security.

However, there remain fundamental difficulties in preventing crimes with the limited law enforcement personnel as such crimes are increasing on a daily basis and becoming increasingly sophisticated.

With regard to the strengthening of public security personnel, it is necessary to give positive consideration to it by clearly figuring out the current condition of crimes and available human resources. I have already instructed the agency concerned to immediately reflect in next year''s budget plan the need to protect the day-to-day lives of the people and maintain public order and security.

The Government and lawmakers must not waste any time in changing relevant laws and systems. Obscene materials and harmful information that can be easily accessed on the Internet are singled out as one cause inciting sex crimes.

With an intensive crackdown over the past four months, the Government brought a total of 810 cases to light. This achievement notwithstanding, realistically speaking, there seems to be a limit in thwarting the increasing production and distribution of obscene materials. The spread of such materials via smartphones is also on the continued rise.

Insofar as it does not compromise the right to freedom of expression, it is necessary to beef up pertinent laws and systems to punish such perpetrators more severely.

Those who have committed sexual violence are highly likely to repeat it. As of now, the number of sex offenders at risk for repeated offense amounts to about 20,000. A thoroughgoing investigation of their present condition, including their locations, will be carried out, and they will be subject to priority control. The disclosure of personal information of sex offenders will be further enhanced.

The effectiveness of electronic anklets will be bolstered. However, if this measure does not suffice, it will be necessary to positively take into consideration all possible measures, including chemical castration.

What is also necessary is to expand the social safety net. For a fundamental solution, economic revitalization and increased job opportunities are needed. For the present, however, it is necessary to extend a helping hand to those who are left out in the cold.

The Government is expanding the social safety network so that alcoholics, loners who live in seclusion as well as other social misfits and alienated people may return to normal life.

Unattended children are largely exposed to criminals. The Government will bolster the child protection infrastructure, including local children’s centers. There is a need to form a network of children’s centers, after-school classes and other childcare facilities with a view to strengthening protective collaboration among the families, schools and local communities.

As evidenced in the latest incident, things are happening that cannot be controlled with the existing anti-crime system. Current methods and the scale of policing are not adequate, so we need to change our thinking fundamentally.

We have to revise anti-crime measures in a more thoughtful manner. It seems clear that we should not rely on the police force entirely. Families, schools and citizens should all work together.

When an incident happened on Yeouido recently, the harm would have been much more serious had there not been intervention by citizens. That was a good example of noble civic consciousness.

My fellow Koreans, it is my belief that the heinous crimes of late are a serious threat to basic human rights. That is because they make people’s everyday lives difficult and insecure.

The Government will muster all its capabilities in order to prevent crime and secure the safety of the community. More than anything else, the Government will crack down on violent crimes. Particularly, we will strive to root out sex crimes against women and children.

I urge all citizens to cooperate with one mind in building a society where our children can play freely and women walk the street safely.

Just thinking about the child who was hurt recently makes my heart ache. I trust that the hospital staff members are doing their best to heal her and that she will recover as early as possible. I convey my heartfelt consolation to her family as well.



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