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Radio Address to the Nation by President Lee Myung-bak
February 09, 2009

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Good morning, fellow Koreans,

As Ipchun, the onset of spring, has just passed, the cold weather is already abating. This morning, I hope renewed energy will flow among us all like new life in the sprouting buds. I also wish that the long-awaited rain would soak those areas suffering from drought and usher in spring with hope.

There is an old saying that goes something like this: go back to the basics when things become difficult and complicated. This may mean that we should refrain from being short-sighted and consistently stick with principles. Only then will there be good results.

In that sense, I have many thoughts and anxieties about the principles for administering state affairs these days.

I am well aware of the fact that many people are concerned about the strained ties between the South and North, even when they understand the situation. In particular, some are uneasy about a string of threatening comments uttered by the North recently.

My fellow citizens, I assure you that you don’t have to worry too much. The Government is ready to sit down and talk with the North anytime to address all the problems. However, it will never rush headlong into anything. It is my firm belief that what counts the most when it comes to inter-Korean relations is unwavering, unequivocal principles. In the past, we just walked on egg shells around the North with an easy-going attitude glossing over every problem only to see things often go wrong in the end. Instead, I am convinced that it is crucial to achieve a good result by getting off to a good start even if it is a little tough in the beginning.

The South and North must treat each other with respect, hold dialogue on an equal footing and be sure to take measures against any recurrence of the problems of the past.

As President, I can confidently say this to you. We are as ready as we are ever going to be to cooperate with the North. North Koreans also need to recognize that South Korea is the only country in the world that will help them as a brother out of genuine concern.

My fellow citizens,

I feel the same agony over the tragic incident that occurred in Yongsan a few weeks ago. My mind is heavy and I feel much regret whenever I think about the loss of the six precious lives. As President, how is it possible for me to be free from such worry?

Right after the incident, I heard voices demanding that someone should be held accountable and be punished. However, the investigation into causes of the incident has yet to come to an end, and thus I do not think it is the right time to decide whether the person in charge should be dismissed or not.

What matters the most at present is to come up with fundamental countermeasures to prevent the recurrence of this sort of tragic incident. I do believe that this is the real duty of the President. The bottom line is that we have to overhaul laws and regulations regarding all areas of redevelopment projects, including the issues involving those who are evicted from their homes and businesses. 

As you well know, there have often been cases in the past when the person in charge was forced to withdraw from office even before the whole truth came to light. Isn’t it true that after such dismissals, we just witnessed a repeat of the same problems without any improvement in the situation? It is my firm principle that we have to sever the vicious cycle without fail through an exhaustive probe into the cause this time.

My fellow citizens,

When it comes to responding to the current economic crisis, the Government is now engaged in deliberations over the principles of economic management.

When I used the term “business-friendly” after being sworn in, some people misconstrued it as pro-chaebol or anti-labor. There still seem to be some people who interpret it that way. Business-friendly here refers to the will of the Government to support business activities, thus helping create more jobs.

For the sake of explanation, I want to note that I am pro-market rather than pro-company. Ultimately, I am pro-job creation rather than pro-market. In this context, I want to underscore that pro-company policies are not just for businesses but for workers who want to get jobs. 

Those who have experienced the pain of unemployment know the value of a job. If I can help family men and women and young people who are suffering from unemployment land a job, I would accept any criticism even though it is somewhat displeasing.

My fellow citizens,

Even though I am emphasizing the significance of principles, I know well how hard it is to stick to principles in our lifetime.

In this regard, I want to introduce an anecdote that occurred while I was serving as Mayor of Seoul. The reorganization of the Seoul public transportation system is applauded at home and abroad now. However, when the plan was announced, the opposition against it was beyond description.

The city government employees, who I thought should lead the initiative, were the first ones to oppose it. The labor unions, bus companies and politicians all lodged strong protests against it. When the new system was eventually ready and operation began, it experienced a major failure in the transit card system on the very first day causing inconvenience to passengers. Criticisms about the new system were nearly unbearable. 

I called a press conference in order to apologize for the inconveniences. I was in a very difficult situation, but I thought I should not scrap the whole plan just because of one problem. I could not back away from my original plan as a matter of principle.

Every day, I worked overnight presiding over meetings, checking every detail and troubleshooting constantly in the situation room. As a result, Seoul’s new mass transit system was stabilized and has now become what it is today. Now, many cities around the world are benchmarking it. 

What would have happened if I gave in to the criticisms and public opinion and abandoned the initiative?

Fellow Koreans,

It is imperative that, in order to succeed, countries as well as individuals should establish appropriate principles and carry them out consistently without stopping.

The harder the times we face, the more we need to stick to principles. We have to find out what are the proper things to do from a long-range perspective and what values should be preserved in the light of it. We need to ask these questions ceaselessly.

Suppose that a country lacks principles and basic systems and that it does not have proper ethical standards. Then, it can never be called an advanced leading country regardless of its substantial wealth.

Winston Churchill rescued the United Kingdom from the Great Depression and World War II. U.S. President John F. Kennedy deterred the Soviet Union’s ambitions in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher cured the so-called British Disease with her iron will. Common to the leaders of such historic achievements was the principle that they would never give up under any circumstances. 

We are well aware that history has not been made by naysayers operating with negative thoughts. History has been written by the practitioners of positive thinking based on clear principles.

As President, I will not be swayed by transient approval ratings. I will go about my business one day at a time firmly rooted in worthy principles and essential basic values.

Fellow citizens,

The country can only be sustained on worthy principles. When maintained in this manner, the nation will be assured a bright future.

Difficult as the situation may be, I hope you will understand the need to work together in the national endeavor to advance our society firmly rooted in worthy principles.

Thank you very much.



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