"It''s true that it''s important to expand social overhead capital projects. But what''s more needed in this economic crisis, before anything else, is a short-term pump-priming policy that could boost consumption and create jobs," President Lee Myung-bak said on Nov. 26.
President Lee said this over dinner at Cheong Wa Dae that evening, as he explained to leaders from the legislative, judiciary, and executive branches of the government about the outcome of his latest visit to the G20 summit on the global financial crisis held in Washington D.C., and the 16th APEC Economic Leaders'' Meeting held in Lima. Peru.
President Lee said, "Korea was chosen, alongside the United Kingdom and Brazil, to co-chair the next G20 summit [to lead the world countries in efforts to overcoming the economic crisis]. I''ll launch a team of top-notch experts in Korea and make suggestions that will be able to convince people around the world."
The President continued, "During the tour, I heard foreign leaders say, ''It''s good to see a former corporate CEO like you become president.'' I said in reply, ''Leaders should talk about hopes.''"
Turning to small- and medium-sized enterprises having difficulty obtaining loans from banks in recent days, the President said, "Leaders of other countries told me they have similar problems persuading banks to supply loans to companies."
While stressing the need for bipartisan cooperation between the ruling and opposition parties to promote the national interest, the President went on to say, "I was impressed when the president of the Brazilian Senate said, ''The parliament will take care of and pass (bills that could serve the country).''"
During the dinner, National Assembly Speaker Kim Hyong-o suggested to the President that housing problems be solved first of all, saying, "The housing problem for low-income earners in urban areas is very serious. Housing is the key to boosting the economy."
Attending the dinner that lasted two hours from 6 p.m. that day were National Assembly Speaker Kim, Supreme Court Chief Justice Lee Yong-hoon, Constitutional Court President Lee Kang-kook, Prime Minister Han Seung-soo, National Election Commission Chairman Koh Hyun-chul, Presidential Chief of Staff Chung Chung-kil, Senior Presidential Secretary for Foreign Affairs and National Security Kim Sung-hwan, Senior Presidential Secretary for Economic Affairs Park Byung-won, and the presidential spokesperson Lee Dong-kwan.